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Delightful Honeydew Melon and Orange Juice Recipe
The total time that you will need to create this honeydew melon and orange juice recipe is only 5 minutes. Quite a little time to create something which is perfect to keep you alive during the summer! Following this recipe, you can simply make 2 servings.
Just make sure that you prepare all the ingredients before you start. These include
• Two oranges• ½ honeydew melon, about 2 lb
• 1/8 tablespoon of salt
How to make
In order to create two servings of honeydew melon and orange juice, you first need to peel both the melon and orange. As the fruit is ready, you can then put the melon, which has been chopped into chunks, and oranges into your juicer. You need to add salt and start spinning. I usually spin the whole ingredient for about one and a half minute. Just make sure that you pay close attention to the texture. If you do not like your juice, you can filter it by using strainer or cheese cloth. Next, pour the juice over a tall glass and add in ice cubes as desired. Enjoy!
See? This honeydew melon and orange juice recipe is just so easy to make. My kids can never have enough out of it. Well in fact the juice has never lasted long when served on the table.More recipe : How to bake a potato
Delightful Lemonade Recipe with Lemon Juice

Lemonade juice recipe seems to be great addition to your powerhouse to battle terrible outside. You step outside and find out that you are entirely parched under the sun, then grabbing such a refreshing treat should be the perfect life savior! Let me tell you what most people overlook when they make lemonade juice recipe. Sugar, lemon juice, and water. Easy, isn't it? Well the real problem is that if you simply stir all of these things together, the sugar will simply sink to the bottom of your glass. So, the best way to create a glass of perfect lemonade juice is to make a simple lemonade syrup fruit. By simply heating the water and sugar together, you will be able to mix them as great addition to your lemonade recipe with lemon juice.
Obviously the proportion is going to vary, which depends on how sweet and strong you want to have your lemonade recipe with lemon juice, and how sour the lemons that you use. Later season lemons are unlikely to be sour than is earlier lemon. Meyer lemons are perfect choice if you want to have sweet lemon juice since these are sweeter than standard lemons. You need to start with the proportion of one cup of sugar, one cup of water, and one cup of lemon juice. You should reduce the sugar amount if you already use Meyer lemon or if you prefer sour lemonade. Usually I just use ¾ lemon juice.
Make the simple lemon syrup, combine with the lemon juice, and then don't forget to add more water as well as cubes of ice so as to dilute the lemonade to your preferred flavour. Of course simple syrup can make a chilling treat. If you have a lot of lemons, then you can have lots of lemonade juice. Let me show you how I make this special lemonade recipe with lemon juice.
For stronger lemon flavour, you can grate the zest from a fresh lemon and then add the zest to the simple syrup right as you are making it. Once you have dissolved the sugar in the water, you need to remove it from the heat and then let the zest keep in the simple syrup for some minutes, then you need to strain out the zest as you add the simple syrup to your lemon juice.
Here are the ingredients that you need:
• One cup of white, granulated sugar (you can reduce it to just ¾ cup)
• One cup of water (used for the simple syrup)
• One cup of lemon juice
• Two to three cups of cold water (used to dilute)
How to make
Now that you have prepared the ingredients, you can then first make the simple syrup. Place the sugar and water in a small saucepan and then bring it to a simmer. Next, stir so the sugar gets dissolved entirely and remove it from the heat.
While the water is boiling for the simple syrup, juice the lemon. 4 to 6 of the lemons should be enough to make one cup of syrup.
Next, pour the juice and the syrup as well as the sugar into a serving pitcher. You can then add two to three cups of cold water and then taste it. If you want, you can add more water to be more diluted.
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DIY Kharbuja or Musk Melon Juice Recipe
Musk melon, commonly known as Kharbuja juice, has been one of many favourites that most people make during the summers in my Delhi home. It's nearing winter already, but the temperatures here are still quite warm, apart from the light shower and coolness that we have witnessed for a number of days. Musk melon or cantaloupe is a lovely refreshing and sweet fruit which has a soft flesh and also contains a lot of water, which is why most people in India and in most parts of the globe crave melon juice when they get parched in the sun. Sometimes we just need these plain and sometimes I want to make juice from them. I usually made the musk melon juice on a certain day which is humid and hot. We have been having that kind of days too. Again today is still a bit warm here and I don't sense any cool weather at all. There is so much inflation in the temperatures and weather here.
At home, I usually make melon juice recipe with some added milk to the musk melon juice, but this is quite optional. If you like to have melon juice with more nutrient and sweetness, than having milk in your melon juice is way better than having it plain. In your blender you just need to add the musk melon and also some jiggery or cane sugar, making the melon juice even healthier. It is a good drink to have during the summer months. In addition to the super benefits that melon juice recipe can give as a concoction to keep our body hydrated, there are some other reasons why I choose it as my absolute treat during boiling days, including:
• It is high in fiber
• It is good for people who are on diet
• It brings down the heat in the body
• Also it is helpful in controlling your blood pressure and serves as anti-oxidant.
We are actually having a lot of watermelons and musk melons this season, as well. Just watch out for another version of watermelon juice recipe. I always experiment with my juice recipes in order to combat the het that we experience here.
To make Khabuja or Musk Melon juice recipe, you will need a total preparation time of fifteen minutes. See? All it takes is just a little time and a little elbow grease. You can make two to three tall glasses of melon juice out of this recipe. Let us see how it is made.
First, you need to prepare the ingredients, which include one musk melon or cantaloupe of any size, golden sugar or cane sugar or jiggery as required (it is optional). Here is how I make my tasty and mouth-watering musk melon juice recipe
You need to rinse the musk melon in water, then cut it into half. When cut, the melon needs to be sliced into long pieces, assuring that it can be blended easily. After that, make sure that you remove the seeds and separate it from the flesh. Chop and also put the slices in blender, then add the sugar or jiggery. At this point, you need to add in two glasses of water. As you see it gets smooth inside the blender, you can then serve the musk melon juice. Cheers!
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